Monday, March 3, 2008

Delegation: The Key to Success in a Volunteer Event Scenario

I couldn't be more proud of my Junior League small group tonight. As provisional members of the Junior League of Atlanta, each small group must play "hostess" during one of the meetings during our provisional tenure. Not only must we as good hostesses provide food and drink, but we must also provide an educational piece about a community service agency that needs help from other Junior League members. Tonight was our night to be Hostesses With The Mostess!

And we couldn't have done a better job.

My purpose for writing all of this is not to toot my own horn, but rather to give you a checklist for what to do when you find yourself in a position to create an event that will (1) reflect on you, (2) reflect on a larger group/organization, and (3) is meant to be done on volunteer hours. You may find yourself in this situation at a charity or non-profit committee or board, maybe on your tennis team, or even with family. Get ready, your events are about to become a breeze!

Step One: Identify someone in the group who is "the most organized person in the group" (Hint: This is where self-nomination is key!)

Step Two (assuming you're the new chair of this committee): Give everyone something to do. I know that sounds contrary to what us Type A's do, but believe me, everyone feels a stronger committment to seeing this event out in a much more successful light if they are personally responsible for some aspect.

Step Three: Constant (i.e. at least weekly) communication/emails is important. Everyone wants to see the progress.

Some key checkist items:
- Make a list of what each person is responsible for.
-- Food
-- Drinks
-- Plates/Cups/Forks, etc.
-- Set up/Clean up Responsibilities

The reason tonight was so successful is because everyone had a task and felt personally invested in the process and success of the event.

My bottom-line advice: DELEGATE! Stumble Tweet It! Facebook


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