And we couldn't have done a better job.
My purpose for writing all of this is not to toot my own horn, but rather to give you a checklist for what to do when you find yourself in a position to create an event that will (1) reflect on you, (2) reflect on a larger group/organization, and (3) is meant to be done on volunteer hours. You may find yourself in this situation at a charity or non-profit committee or board, maybe on your tennis team, or even with family. Get ready, your events are about to become a breeze!
Step One: Identify someone in the group who is "the most organized person in the group" (Hint: This is where self-nomination is key!)
Step Two (assuming you're the new chair of this committee): Give everyone something to do. I know that sounds contrary to what us Type A's do, but believe me, everyone feels a stronger committment to seeing this event out in a much more successful light if they are personally responsible for some aspect.
Step Three: Constant (i.e. at least weekly) communication/emails is important. Everyone wants to see the progress.
Some key checkist items:
- Make a list of what each person is responsible for.
-- Food
-- Drinks
-- Plates/Cups/Forks, etc.
-- Set up/Clean up Responsibilities
The reason tonight was so successful is because everyone had a task and felt personally invested in the process and success of the event.
My bottom-line advice: DELEGATE!
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