Each event we prepare for our clients touches our heart, however, some of them touch us so deeply we are changed forever. This is one of those events.
Trish and Owen are first time parents. You know the kind. Beaming. Excited. Nervous. The only difference is that Trish and Owen have already seen Baby Asher in person. He's currently living in an orphanage in Ethiopia. The entire family is so excited to see him.
This baby shower was a little different than any we've done in the past. (For the better, in my humble opinion.) No silly "how-many-jelly-beans-are-in-the-bottle" games. No "all-men-drink-from-bottles" games. For which I was glad.
We did, however, allow each guest to write notes of advice to the New Parents. We also took five pictures of Owen as he was growing up, and five pictures of Trish from babyhood until middle school and had the guests guess their ages. The guests and Parents really enjoyed it because it put some of the focus back on the Parents.
Our color scheme was white, tiffany blue, and yellow. Blue hydrangeas were the perfect, budget-friendly centerpiece.
Paul Brummer with Rooms In Bloom, did a phenomenal job! As always.

One aspect of the shower that was super important to Paula, Baby Asher's Grandmother, was the cake! She found a picture of a cake online and just fell in love. After going to a local bakery and being told that her wishes were "just not do-able," we made a call to our FAVORITE bakery: Lulu's Bakery in Roswell. Not only did they do it, they exceeded Paula's expectations.

Baby Asher was supposed to come home to America in May. However, there is some corruption in the adoption process in Ethiopia and Baby Asher's adoption has been delayed. Please send this couple your love, thoughts, and prayers that their Baby Asher will come home quickly.
We can't wait to meet you, Mr. Asher!
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