After stumbling upon Happily Ever AfterWords, I knew I had to share with y'all. This adorable "guest book" box is a great spin on a regular book, or something else to sign.
This box opens up...

To hold these...

With this, guests can leave more than a five word blessing and signature.
The best part? The book is divided by anniversaries, 1st anniversary through 50th. This way, guests can leave their blessing for the year of their choosing.

For $95.00 online this is a good deal to save you time and work around many other creative guest books. However, I am entertaining the thought of trying to make one of these. I am pretty sure that $30 and a trip to Hobby Lobby would have this one covered. If I try one, I'll be update. Hey, maybe even with a giveaway. Have you tried to DIY an online buy? Did it work?
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