Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chalk it up

Rustoleum NCF Green Chalkboard Paint
This little can of Rust-Oleum chalk board paint can do wonders for a DIYer. From children's bedrooms to an office to-do list, this paint is an easy alternative to a bulky chalk board. But what are some great party ideas for it? Well, here are a few great ones:

Using a small amount of the paint on glasses is the perfect upscale for solo cups and sharpies. This could also be a fantastic place card substitution for an outdoor wedding. Along the same lines, use the paint on favor boxes to individualize them!

You have all seen chalkboard menu's at weddings and other social gatherings. Looking for an inexpensive way to get one? Rather than buying a chalkboard, use poster board and paint over it with the paint. If you are looking for something a little sturdier, buy a cheap piece of plywood to paint over.

This seating chart featured on Style Me Pretty has so many options! Another great one? Frame a piece of poster board chalk painted, then have your guests leave a note! Later, use Mod Podge to preserve it!

Have any other great uses? Share them!

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