In case you haven't noticed, engagement season is in full swing. From my news feed on Facebook, to attending local fall events, engagements are everywhere. Whether its you, your roommate, or your daughters best friend, it is time to start looking at showers.
Wedding showers are a fun way to show your support of the new couple by preparing them for their new life together. You can show them that support through gifts, advice, or good times.

via: EmmaWho
Lets look at a few Wedding Shower trends:
1. {Insert Room Here} Shower
Whether it be kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, ect. Focusing your efforts on a specific room helps define a shower. Guests know what kind of gift is expected, and your recipient gets a big check mark on part of her new living space. You can also narrow down the theme by adding an element. For example, with a Kitchen Shower have guests bring their favorite recipe and what is required to make it. Think Pyrex, Crock-Pots and spices rather than actual food.

2. A shower that does not require a gift
Lets face it, money is tight for many right now. Having a shower where a gift is not required will make many guests more comfortable. In lieu of a gift, request that guests bring a piece of advice for the new couple and compile them in a frame or book. Also, you could ask that they bring their favorite recipe to compile a cookbook as the "gift". The point of a shower is to... SHOWER, not necessarily with gifts, but also with love and support to send the couple into their life together.
3. Jack and Jill showers, AKA Couple Showers
Traditionally, wedding showers are for the bride only. Couple showers are becomingly increasingly popular. My advice for them? Have something fun that both sexes can participate in. Try fun outdoor games like corn-hole. Expert tip: Having the shower during football season? Make sure the boys have somewhere to watch their games. Or better yet, set them up to watch the games which the girls open gifts!

4. Themed showers
You can theme a shower any which-a-way you like. This can focus on an array of things the bride-to-be may like to have extras of, or just something she loves! Is your girl an old soul? Have a retro themed shower! Is she a serious neat freak? Have an organization shower and make sure she registers at crate and barrel first! Perhaps she loves pictures, have each guest bring their favorite frames picture of the couple.
With any shower, make sure you talk to the guest of honor first. Make sure it is something they are going to enjoy, and benefit from if guests are involved!
Other ideas:
Did you miss part one in our shower series? Check out Engagement Showers!
And if you need invitations don't forget about your 40% off!
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